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Autonomous transport robot developed

· One min read
Jan Umbach
Software Developer

Project duration: 2 years
Number of developers: 1
Lines of code: ~4.000
Hours worked: ~3.500
Programming languages: Python, C++, C
Technologies: Jetsen Nano, CUDA, ESP32, Teensy, IMU, LiDar, Radar, Breitband, ArUco, Stereokamera

autonomously following transport robot


Who hasn't experienced it: constantly having to carry your own backpack? So why not build a robot that follows you around and carries your backpack for you? This is how the idea for the autonomous transport robot was born.

3D model

Here you can see the 3D model of the transport robot. The robot is equipped with a Jetson Nano, which controls both the camera and the motors. The idea behind it is that the robot follows a person, recognizes obstacles and avoids them with the help of a stereo camera.

Specially manufactured circuit board

To make the transport robot as compact as possible, I designed and manufactured my own circuit board. This board connects the Jetson Nano with the motors and sensors.

mainboard of the transport robot