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Mobile app for the Aurora

· 2 min read
Alexander Röse
Software Developer

Project duration: 2 months
Number of developers: 1
Lines of code: ~5.000
Hours worked: ~400
Programming languages: JavaScript
Technologies: React Native

Development of a mobile app for the Aurora

To simplify and improve the control of the Aurora, we have developed a mobile app. This app allows users to conveniently control and monitor the Aurora via their smartphone. The app offers a variety of functions as described below.

Autonomous transport robot developed

· One min read
Jan Umbach
Software Developer

Project duration: 2 years
Number of developers: 1
Lines of code: ~4.000
Hours worked: ~3.500
Programming languages: Python, C++, C
Technologies: Jetsen Nano, CUDA, ESP32, Teensy, IMU, LiDar, Radar, Breitband, ArUco, Stereokamera

autonomously following transport robot